7 Ate 9 - the Untold Story

2023-02-25 16:12:4905:52 23
7 Ate 9 - the Untold StoryBy Tara Lazar这是一本很有意思的书,里面用了不少的谚语和谐音梗。比如,书名 "7 Ate 9", 不看文字,只听发音,你会以为是“七八九”,其实,是“7吃掉了9”。以我的水平,很难原汁原味地把这个故事翻译过来,所以只录了英文的版本。大家一起听听,看谁 能把故事里面的谚语和谐音梗 都搜集出来。I was dozing in my chair when an urgent banging on my office door bolted me awake.It was 6. Something had scared the pants off him.“7 is coming to get me,” said 6.As a private I, I’m used to his type - numbers. They’re always stuck in a problem. But I knew about this 7 fella. He was odd.“Take it easy, 6,” I said. “ what’s 7 up to?”“Word on the street is that 7 ate 9! And now he’s after me,” said 6.“Well, technically, he’s always after you,” I said. “There’s 5, then 6, then 7.”“See, that proves it!”I told 6 not to panic. “Stay here. I’ll get to the root of this.”“I hope so!” Said 6. “I fear my days are numbered.”First I went looking for 8. She’s usually caught between 7 and 9.I found her at the corner of Second Avenue and Fourth Street. But 8 knew nothing.“If it’s true,” 8 said, “then I’m next in line!” In a flash, she took off her belt. Now 8 looked just like 0.[Good disguise.]I needed a solid lead. I strolled into Cafe Uno, leaned on the counter, and ordered a slice of pi. B, the waitress, had the scoop.“Yeah, I heard 7 ate 9,” she said. “So you haven’t seen 9 around?” I asked.“Negative, “ said B. “He just disappeared.”So 9 was gone. I couldn’t let 7 be the one got away. But I needed more data. I went to see 11. She and 7 are like two peas in a pod. “7 couldn’t have done it,” said 11. “He’s in vacation.”“Are you sure?” I prodded.“I’m positive! I saw him leave.”But if 7 was gone, then where was 9? It didn’t add up.Frustrated, I headed back uptown. That’s when I saw him crossing the street. Finally, I put two and two together.I had to get back to the office. “On the double,” I told the driver.I busted through my office door and found 6 taking forty winks.“I have solved this numerical nonsense, “ I cried. I grabbed 6 and turned him… upside down.His true color was revealed.Just as I suspected — my client, 6, was really 9!“You has everyone worried, 9,” I said. “Why did you say that 7 ate 9?”“Because 7 gets all the attention! ‘Lucky seven’! ‘Seven Wonders of the World’!‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’!”Figures. 9 felt like he didn’t measure up.“Seven, Seven, SEVEN! It’s like I don’t exist. Folks hurry right past me on their way to 10. Don’t even get me started on 10. Everyone thinks he’s perfect!”I zeroed in on 9. “Are you kidding? You should be on cloud nine right now. Happy as can be, the whole nine yards!”“How come?” Asked 9.“Because you’ve got NINE lives!”That’s when 11 showed up. “Look who’s back!” She said.It was 7. “Umm,” Stammered 9. “No hard feelings, 7 , old pal?”“Sure. Let’s not be divided,” 7 said.7 seemed awfully pleased for a number who had been framed. “Why so happy, 7?” I asked.“I just sailed the seven seas. I’m in seventh heaven!”At last, everyone was back in order. And now I could take letter cases again. Letters can be wordy at times, but they’re A-OK in my book.The next day, while dozing in my chair, my phone bolted me awake. I’d recognize her voice anywhere. It was 2… with another problem to solve.I’ve really got to change my number!

