Mars! Earthlings Welcome

2023-12-13 21:32:4508:08 42

Mars! Earthlings Welcome 
By Stacy McAnulty

Hello, inhabitants of Earth - or, as she calls herself, Planet Awesome. I’m formally inviting you to visit me! Planet Marvelous! 

Let me introduce myself. I am Magnificent Mars. Favorite sibling of Earth. Fourth planet from Sun. Second smallest in the solar system. You’ve spent so much time on Earth - probably your whole life. It’s time you visit me.

Some people have been to Earth’s Moon, but no one has ever been to another planet. And I’m a planet. A party planet! I want to be the FIRST planet with human guests. 

How to Be a Planet (in our solar system):
Orbit Sun.
Be round.
Don’t be a “dwarf planet” (Sorry, Pluto.)

How to Be a Party Planet:
Invite friends.
Be classy, not gassy. (Not a gas planet like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune)

I’m close to you. Sorta. Depending on my orbit. Earth and me at our closest, 34 million miles apart. But sometimes, siblings need space, and we’re 250 million miles apart.

You’ll love it here. I’m like Earth - kinda - only better. For example, my day is longer. Thirty-seven minutes longer. Earth. One spin. 24 hours. Me! One spin. 24 hours AND 37 MINUTES! Think of what you can do with 37 extra minutes! Sleep in. Enjoy more screen time. Eat junk food. Whatever you want.

And I have two moons! I know Earth is totally jealous. Say hi to Phobos and Deimos. You might mistake them for ginormous potatoes. Nope, they’re natural satellites.

When you come, bring a camera. There’s so much to see. Guess who has the largest volcano in the whole solar system? Not Earth. Me! Olympus Mons is 16 miles tall. Earth’s biggest active volcano, Hawaii’s Mauna Loa, is not even half that height.

Do you like stunning views? Valleys Marineris is four times as deep as the Grand Canyon! And not nearly as crowded. Great place for a selfie.

Along with your camera, don’t forget to BYOO! That means “bring your own oxygen.” Because, well, I don’t have much. Just a trace. Pack water, too, because all of mine is frozen.

Scientists think I had liquid water millions (maybe billions) of years ago when I was warmer. Today, I’ll admit, Earth totally wins when it comes to liquid H2O! She’s better planet for swimming.

Yep, Earth is blue and known for her water. Especially her Ocean. I’m red, not because I’m hot. My average temperature is 81F below zero. Colder than the South Pole in winter.

I’m red, not because I’m mad. But that’s probably why Earthlings named me after the Roman god of war. War. Blood. Anger. You get it. I’m red because my soil is full of iron - rusty iron.

Earth and I, we’re rocky, rugged planets. Mercury and Venus, too. (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are gas giants!) And like Earth, I have polar ice caps. I have mountains. I have clouds.

And I have dreams! Dreams of big-brained visitors who want to travel to Miraculous Mars. If you think parties on Earth are fun, just you wait! But this invitation isn’t for my birthday. I don’t know my exact birthday. I’m about 4.5 billion years old, like all the planets in our solar system. If you want to celebrate me. MARch is my month. (However, you can visit me anytime.)

I’ve had “visitors” from Earth in the past, but none with a heartbeat.
In 1965, the US spacecraft Mariner 4, my first flyby. It came within 6,118 miles and took 22 pictures. I hope it got my good side.

In 1971, Mars 3, a Soviet craft, actually landed on my surface and operated for a whole 20 seconds.

In 2004, NASA sent me new friends - Spirit and Opportunity. These cute rovers were expected to play and explore for only 90 days. But I’m so impressive, they scampered around way longer. Spirit. Six years. Opportunity. Almost 15 years! This little guy traveled 28 miles. That’s longer than a marathon.

Still I long for you humans with your curious minds, your five senses, and your love of parties. Imagine the things we’ll learn. Imagine the fun we’ll have.

So what are you waiting for? Come to reMARkable Mars! Let’s get this party started! As soon as your spaceship is ready. (New technology required)


Mars Is Far Away



Men and Women,Mars and Venus

