S4E4:Andrew Jahn - 通过《安迪的脑书》分享神经影像学知识

2024-01-24 09:32:1790:25 55
所属专辑:OHBM Podcast

今天,我们的嘉宾是Andrew Jahn博士。

正在学习 MRI fMRI 分析的人 - 实际上,这应该包括我们所有人 - 可能已经知道他在网上大量制作的惊人资源。从 2012 年开始的安迪的脑博客扩展到视频(超过 300 个),再到他现在的项目《安迪的脑书》,贾恩博士一直在稳步创建一个标准和一个大家学习数据处理的基本原理、概念和细微差别的首选资源。

Jahn博士 2008 年在卡尔顿学院获得心理学学士学位,2015 年在印第安纳大学获得认知神经科学博士学位。他在耶鲁大学哈斯金斯实验室做博士后研究,现在是密歇根大学安娜堡分校的教授。在那里,他获得了扩展他极其宝贵的教学资源的自由。

在这个播客中,我们讨论了他是如何开始这一切的,也许是因为没能在本科后在国立卫生研究院获得一个职位,这让他走上了这条道路。我们讨论了他制作的教育资源,以及他是如何从Jaque BarzunDave Berry等名人那里汲取灵感的。我们还讨论了神经影像教育的更广泛问题 - 什么可以教、什么不能教,并就神经影像学的未来以及他自己计划中的未来项目进行了开放式的对话。



Alfie Wearn

Omer Faruk Gulban

Neurosalience #S4E4 with Andrew Jahn - Educating the neuroimaging world with Andy's Brain Book

Today, our guest is Dr. Andrew Jahn.

Those of you learning MRI and fMRI analysis - which realistically, should be pretty much all of us - may already know about the amazing resources that he is prodigiously producing online. Starting with "Andy's Brain Blog" in 2012, expanding to videos (over 300 of them), and now his current project, "Andy's Brain Book", Dr. Jahn has been steadily creating a standard and a go-to resource for all of us to learn the nuts and bolts as well as concepts and nuances of processing our data.

Dr. Jahn received his Bachelors in Psychology in 2008 from Carleton College, and his Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience at Indiana University in 2015. He did a postdoc at the Haskins Laboratories at Yale University, and is now a professor at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor. There he has been given the freedom to expand his extremely valuable teaching resources.

In this podcast we discuss how he got started in this, how perhaps failing to get a post-undergraduate position at the NIH started him down this path. We discuss the educational resources that he has been producing, and how he draws upon luminaries from Jaque Barzun to Dave Berry for inspiration. We also discuss the wider issue of education in neuroimaging - what can be taught and what cannot and have an open-ended conversation on the future of neuroimaging as well as some of his own planned future projects.

This was a truly fun and enlightening discussion! We hope you enjoy it!

Episode producers:

Alfie Wearn

Omer Faruk Gulban


Open - Andre Agassi



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