Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat




分享:Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking by Samin Nosrat

Amazon Best Sellers of 2019 in Books #22,定格日期:2019年4月24日。

This is Nosrat’s first book and she writes in an approachable, amusing style which is enhanced by great illustrations and diagrams from Wendy MacNaughton. The friendly style and quips about her own kitchen disasters will appeal to budding chefs who need a confidence-boost as the author provides information which may help lessen the ‘error’ part of the trial and error of cooking.

The American-born daughter of Iranian parents, Samin Nosrat, describes the food and flavours which were a central part of her life as she was growing up enjoying her mother’s Persian cooking. She was studying English at college when her work in the kitchen at Chez Panisse changed her career plans and she embarked on journeys in Europe and Asia to further develop her skills.

Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat is not your usual cookbook as it describes the importance of the elements in the title and equips you with the knowledge to cook anything better, not just the recipes at the end. Throughout the book the author emphasises the connections and interactions between the elements in the title. In each section she provides some basic chemical information, insight into how she came to realise the importance of the ingredient/element and describes its impacts on the ultimate taste and flavour of what is being cooked.

It’s not about perfection but rather enhancing what you already know and are doing in the kitchen by being more aware of some of the science and interactions between these four vital elements.
