Unfreedom of the Press by Mark




分享:Unfreedom of the Press by Mark R. Levin

Amazon Best Sellers of 2019 in Books #9,定格日期:2019年6月29日。

In his latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," author Mark Levin exposes the mainstream media, who have long claimed to be the arbiters of "the truth."Levin's book rips the mask off and lays bare the true nature of the media.After reaching the No. 1 spot on Amazon on the day of its release, "Unfreedom of the Press" has held the top spot for three weeks in a row.

Levin punctures every form of fakery tossed at a sometimes over-tolerant public. The term "freedom" as applied to today's media – mainly as they deal with what today passes as "news" – often abuses the trust accorded by their readers, listeners, and viewers.He believes this is brought about "through censorship, group-think, bias by omission, and passing off opinion, propaganda, pseudo-events and outright lies as news." Those who have experienced the pressures on the broadcast media from the inside – in those earlier days and today – will nod knowingly as the author roundly criticizes the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

The book chronicles these past executive abuses, describing the anti-press actions of John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, JFK, and Lyndon Johnson.The book also contains a chapter with shocking details about how the supposed “paper of record” covered up details of the Holocaust in Europe during World War Two.

Levin concludes the book with a rehashing of the media malpractice regarding their coverage of the Trump-Russia allegations. He points to past collusions that were not covered accurately by the press, including Teddy Kennedy’s dealings with the Soviet Union to undermine President Reagan, and China’s role in helping Bill Clinton win re-election in 1996.

Mark Levin tells his readers that he wrote UNFREEDOM OF THE PRESS to deal with "the complicated issue" of the media's collapsing role as a bulwark of liberty."