716 – A Unique Friendship 一个不寻常的友谊

2024-04-18 08:34:2914:07 862

“I just wanted to get some exercise and enjoy the fresh air. Every day there was something new here. It just became additive… Just watching it camouflage and the way it moved, I was hooked.” One day she noticed a big blob. “I just said ‘Oh my God! I got to get a better closer look.’” Catherine was surprised to find the biggest octopus she’d ever seen who rushed to get a better closer look at her too.
“I’m scared. The grip was so tight that it felt like I was getting my blood pressure taken in my legs and I was petrified. I was freaking out. I just all of a sudden started to relax and then he did. There was a connection. He felt me and I felt him.” They spent the next hour together. “It was the best day of my life! He’s sort of like an underwater puppy dog now.” Now the octopus, who Catherine calls baby, seems to recognize her and regularly swims up to her leg to give a hug and receive an appreciative pat. “Now we are buds. I was giving him love and he gave me love back.


Un captaine de 15 ans

