Bilingual Tang Poetry 中英双语【共读最美唐诗】



This album is an audio produced by me during teaching Chinese as a foreign language, which is used to cultivate students' language sense and cultural edification. The classical quatrains in Tang poetry are selected, starting with five characters, followed by seven characters.


The English translation of Tang poetry in the album is Mr. Xu Yuanchong's version. Mr. Xu seldom uses literal translation. He follows the principles of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, that is, he retains the artistic conception in the original poem to the greatest extent and takes into account the rhymes in English poetry. It is an absolute masterpiece. In addition, I also made the writing background of the poem bilingual, which can help friends who learn Chinese better understand.

The soundtracks in the album are all very classic Chinese ancient tunes. The instruments include Guzheng, Guqin, Pipa, Dongxiao, Xun and so on. Even just listening to music can take you to explore Chinese culture.