Mr. Lemoncello‘s Library Series 1-5


作者:Chris Grabenstein 电子书获取+V 895888035(备注:喜马)

Mr Lemoncello 01 - Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library

 Kyle Keeley is the class clown and a huge fan of all games—board games, word games, and particularly video games. His hero, Luigi Lemoncello, the most notorious and creative gamemaker in the world, just so happens to be the genius behind the construction of the new town library. Lucky Kyle wins a coveted spot as one of twelve kids invited for an overnight sleepover in the library, hosted by Mr. Lemoncello and riddled with lots and lots of games. But when morning comes, the doors stay locked. Kyle and the other kids must solve every clue and figure out every secret puzzle to find the hidden escape route!

Mr Lemoncello 02 - Mr Lemoncello's Library Olympics

Kyle and his teammates are back, and the world-famous game maker Luigi Lemoncello is at it again! 

This time Mr. Lemoncello has invited teams from all across America to compete in the first-ever LIBRARY OLYMPICS. But something suspicious is going on . . . books are missing from Mr. Lemoncello’s library. Is someone trying to censor what the kids are reading?! Now it’s not just a game—can Mr. Lemoncello find the real defenders of books and champions of libraries? In between figuring out mind-boggling challenges, the kids will have to band together to get to the bottom of this mystery.

 Mr Lemoncello 03 - Mr. Lemoncello's Great Library Race

Everyone’s favorite game maker, Mr. Lemoncello, is testing out his new FABULOUS FACT-FINDING FRENZY game! If Kyle can make it through the first round, he and the other lucky finalists will go on a great race—by bicycle, bookmobile, and even Mr. Lemoncello’s corporate banana jet!—to find fascinating facts about famous Americans. The first to bring their facts back to the library will win spectacular prizes! But when a few surprising “facts” surface about Mr. Lemoncello, it might be GO TO JAIL and LOSE A TURN all at once! Could Kyle’s hero be a fraud? It’s winner take all, so Kyle and the other kids will have to dig deep to find out the truth before the GAME is OVER for Mr. Lemoncello and his entire fantastic empire!

Mr Lemoncello 04 - Mr. Lemoncello's All-Star Breakout Game

Greetings, boys and girls, gamers of all ages--are you ready to play Mr. Lemoncello's BIGGEST, most dazzling game yet? After months of anticipation, Mr. Lemoncello is taking his games out of the library and going LIVE across the nation on the world-famous Kidzapalooza Television Network! Everyone's invited to audition, but only a lucky few will be chosen to compete in front of millions of viewers in a brand-new, completely immersive live-action breakout game--with real kids as the playing pieces! Kyle Keeley is determined to be one of them.



简介:安妮,英语老师,家有三枚原版娃: 老大,985大学,《哈利波特》真爱粉; 老二、老三同时英语启蒙,自主阅读高章,目前在家精读英文《万物简史》(科普高阶,2万词汇)。 每个孩子都可以通过家庭英语启蒙,告别聋哑英语,轻松实现全英文阅读。 接地气: 深耕十年、实践总结的英语启蒙进阶的方法和路线图,简单、可行、高效。 英语小白妈妈一样可以带出英文原版娃。