

Hello, everyone, I'm George. Today we are going to study phone English. Phrases and short sentences to do with making phone calls, maybe just with your friends, or at work. Easy peasy. 


First of all, if the phone rings, you answer the phone.


If you are making the phone call, and somebody answers, you have to say something.


Hello, is that George?

Is George there?

This is George calling for Mike.

Sometimes when you make a phone call and someone answers, you may not know that person, or you don't recognize the voice, so you can say who am I speaking to, please? 


Who am I speaking to, please? 


I'd like to speak to George, please!

Can I speak to George, please? 

Could I speak to George, please?

Hang on a second.

Please hold on.

Would you mind holding? 

One moment please !


Sorry to keep you waiting  不好意思让你久等啦

Sorry, he's not here  很抱歉,他不在这里

Sorry, he's on other line 不好意思,他正在打电话呢

打不通  I can't get through. 

占线  The line is busy/engaged/unobtainable. 

您能大点声吗?我听不清  Could you speak up, please? I can't hear you. 

信号不好  Sorry, you're breaking up (bad signal). 

打错电话  Sorry, I think you've got the wrong number. 
